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The GeoSystems Monitor Process

Article ID: 234
Last updated: 28 Mar, 2018
Revision: 3
Views: 0

GeoSystems Monitor performs monitoring on the points that are configured by the organization’s administrator. Every point is organized within a GeoMonitor as a “Container”.

The following illustration describes the monitoring process performed for each point.

  1. The GeoMonitor Engine executes the point check script that is associated with the monitoring point.
  2. The point check submits a request to the monitoring point service (for example: a valid address is submitted to a geocode service). Following submission, the Engine waits for a response from the monitoring point service.
  3. If received, the service response is evaluated for the time that elapsed between submittal and response. If the time is within the defined threshold, the point is considered OK, and the transaction is recorded to the database.
  4. If a response is not received, or is not within the time threshold, an alert is issued to the Administrator and/or Users defined during point configuration.
  5. The monitoring process restarts. Note that when a point is identified as “down”, the alert process will be postponed until the point is “up”, or the Administrator restarts the monitoring point.

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