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Adding AGOL Application Monitoring Containers

Article ID: 238
Last updated: 13 Aug, 2018
Revision: 3
Views: 0

Once you have chosen to add an ArcGIS Online application container, you will be presented with the following dialog.

An ArcGIS Online container can be added in 2 different ways.

1.  You can use the left side dropdown to select a connection. See Connections for more information.

2.  You can provide an ArcGIS Online username and password.

After you have either provided a connection, or ArcGIS Online credentials, clicking the corresponding [Next] button will continue to the next window.

The GeoSystems Monitor will take the information provided and generate a list of groups the ArcGIS Online user has access to.

Select a group or search Public/Organization and click the [Next] button.

This will bring up the next panel where all of the applications will be shown.

Once completed, click the [Create Container] button to create your monitoring container. 

At this point a new container will appear on the dashboard, with a spinning icon indicating it's in the process of setting up the individual monitoring points.

When it's completed setting up the individual monitoring points, the spinning icon turns into a check mark, and the monitoring container can be opened (by clicking on Status Points) to reveal the points inside (see image below).

This completes the process of creating a container of monitoring points for an app, which can now be moved (drag & drop) to a preferred location or moved to another tab.  

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