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AGS Feature Service

Article ID: 420
Last updated: 30 Dec, 2019
Revision: 2
Views: 0

The AGS Feature Service monitoring point checks an ArcGIS Server Feature service for layer data and provides a count of the number of records returned.

The script assumes the standard Esri AGS service directory structure (i.e. <your server name>/arcgis/rest/services/<your service name>.  If this is not the case, use the ArcGIS Feature Service URL monitoring point script.

The parameters that are unique to the AGS Feature Service include:

Server Name

DNS name of server where AGS is located

Service Name

Name of REST Feature Service on the ArcGIS server. If service is under a folder the name of folder is needed (e.g. Parcels or Assessor/Parcels)

Layer#:Opt Query

Default is layer 0 with a query for the number of features

Optionally, a different layer number and query can be provided

For example,  2:TotalPop > 100,000 would return the number of features in layer 2 with the TotalPop field > 100,000

If your AGS Feature Service is secure, use the AGS Secure Feature Service monitoring point script.

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