Adding Portal Application Monitoring Containers

Once you have chosen to add an ArcGIS Portal application container, you will be presented with the following dialog.

An ArcGIS Portal container can be added in 2 different ways.

1.  You can use the left side dropdown to select a connection. See Connections for more information.

2.  You can provide an ArcGIS Portal username and password, along with the URL.

After you have either provided a connection, or ArcGIS Portal credentials, clicking the corresponding [Next] button will continue to the next window.

The GeoSystems Monitor will take the information provided and generate a list of groups the ArcGIS Online user has access to.

Select a group or search Public/Organization and click the [Next] button.

This will bring up the next panel where all of the applications will be shown.

Once completed, click the [Create Container] button to create your monitoring container. 

At this point a new container will appear on the dashboard, with a spinning icon indicating it's in the process of setting up the individual monitoring points.

When it's completed setting up the individual monitoring points, the spinning icon turns into a check mark, and the monitoring container can be opened (by clicking on Status Points) to reveal the points inside (see image below).

This completes the process of creating a container of monitoring points for an app, which can now be moved (drag & drop) to a preferred location or moved to another tab.  

Article ID: 239
Last updated: 13 Aug, 2018
Revision: 2
GeoSystems Monitor Enterprise -> Product Guide v4.0 -> Adding Monitoring Containers & Points -> Adding Portal Container -> Adding Portal Application Monitoring Containers