Refresh Server (or Web Map)

The GeoSystem Monitor has a built in refresh for AGS Servers and AGOL Webmaps.

AGS Server Refresh

Once a container is created, you will be able to refresh it using the refresh button inside the Status Points dialog, as long as you created a Host Check for that server.

There are two types of refresh container methods.

1.  Using the same server that the container was created with.  This method will find currently created services and compare them with the services on the server.

2.  Using a different server, which is more of an add than refresh, because you will be adding services from the new server to the original container.

Either method follows the same workflow, with the exception that the same server method will identify already created services.

1.  Click the Status Points button of the container you want to refresh.

2.  The top point in the container should be the Host Check (if not, locate the Host Check) and click it.

3.  The refresh button should turn from grey to black, meaning it is enabled 

4.  Click the refresh button and the following dialog will appear.

The AGS Refresh is almost identical to the AGS Autopoulate.  You will see your connections on the left side, or the option to input credentials on the right.

5.  After you have chosen a connection or input the required credentials, click the corresponding [Next] button.

6.  The GeoSystems Monitor will present a list of folders from the server. 

If you are using the same server URL, the GeoSystems Monitor will try to identify already present services, and check the folder checkbox for you.

If not, you must select what folders you want to add services from.

7.  Click [Next] when you have selected the folders.

8.  The next dialog you will see is the list of services found in the folders, along with check boxes.

If a service is already present in the container, the checkbox will be checked, and it will be disabled (meaning you can't unselect it)

9.  When you have selected the services you wish to add to the container, clicking the [Refresh Container] button will finalize the process and you will see the newly created services at the bottom of the Status Points dialog.

These newly created points will go through the verifying process and will update when done.

Refreshing a Web Map

Refreshing a web map means the GeoSystems Monitor will compare what services are in the web map in AGOL or PORTAL with the services the GeoSystems Monitor presently has in the container.  You will be presented with a list of new services (if any exist), a list of old services (meaning services that were removed from the web map), and any other basic webmap changes (name, basemap, etc)

1.  Click the Status Points button of a Web Map container.

2.  Click the Refresh button 

3.  The next dialog you will see is an overview of any changes present.

4.  Clicking the [Make Changes] button will confirm the overview.

     a.  If the webmap name has changed, it will be updated in GeoSystems Monitor

     b.  If the basemap has changed, the old one will be removed, and the new one added.

     c.  If any added points are present, they will be added to the container.

     d.  If any removed points are present, they will be removed from the container (this will completely remove the point from the system)

Article ID: 245
Last updated: 15 Aug, 2018
Revision: 3
GeoSystems Monitor Enterprise -> Product Guide v4.0 -> Working with Monitoring Points -> Refresh Server (or Web Map)