Status Points Window

Clicking on the  [Status Points] icon on the container within the dashboard will bring up the Status Points window, similar to the one shown below. 

For each point, you will see the point name, the type of point, whether it's active/inactive, the status (up, down, etc.), information on the point (if any), and the date/time of the last monitoring check.  These points are also color coded - green means up, red means down, yellow means slow, white means inactive.

You can click on each point, to reveal the details for that point (will display below the list of points).

From left to right at the top are four icons with the following functions:

Opens the container properties panel

Opens the Ad-Hoc workflow.

           See Ad-Hoc for More Details

Opens the refresh container dialog.

          See Refresh Container for More Details

Charts the highlighted point

Brings up the Map Service Extent Picker

Brings up the Tiled Map Service Tile Picker

Not all monitoring points allow for you to do all of these things.  If the icon is light grey instead of black, that means the option is not available for the monitoring point you are on.

Extent & Tile Picker

These are used for points where the automated routines used to establish points are not successful.  Please refer to the 'Automated Monitoring Point Creation - Overview' for additional details on using these.

This portion of the display will show the total number of points as well as the number of slow, down and inactive points.  By clicking on the numbers, you can limit the display to just those points affected.

Beneath the listing of points are the details for the clicked/highlighted point.  

The details will list the Name of the Point (in the example above, the name is 'Soils of Canada - Orders (tiles)') : Type of Monitoring Point (in the example above, it is a 'Tile Map Service')

Up Interval

The period in minutes between checks.  If the monitoring check detects a problem, it will check in a tighter loop (time displayed in down interval below).

Down Interval

The period in minutes between checks if a problem with a monitoring point is determined.  It will then look to the number specified in Max Checks area and run the check for the specified amount of time in Down Interval for the number of Max Checks.  For example, in the diagram above, the Down Interval is set to 1 minute and Max Checks is set to 3.  Meaning that if the monitor detects an issue with a point, it will check it every 1 minute until it gets 3 errors returning that it's down, then it will determine that the point is down and an alert will be sent (if alerting is enabled).


Alerting for a down monitoring point can be turned on or off with this switch.

Alert Contact ID(s)

When Alerting is turned on, these are the contacts that will be notified for an issue.


You can turn off the monitoring of the point with this switch, which can be a last resort if the point refuses to properly monitor. 

Max Checks

If the number of failed checks reaches the number shown in the text box, an alert will be sent out (if alerting is enabled).  See Up/Down Intervals to determine time for checks.

Slow Alert

Alerting for a slow monitoring point can be turned on or off with this switch.

Slow Time

This is effectively an on/off switch for checking slow services.   A time of 0 means no checking for slow times will occur, but any other value represents the cut-off time for when a service is considered to be slow.  For example, a setting of 6.5 will result in the point showing as slow if the monitoring check time exceeds 6.5 seconds. 

Slow Checks

This is the number of max checks for the slow time checker (like Max Checks, but used only for Slow Checks).  It is meant for when you would like to detect a slow service in addition to checking whether it is up or down.

Dependent ID

ID of a point/check within this container that MUST be up for this point/check to run.


Time for this point/check not to run. This can also be set on the container and globally.


Set this to Yes if you have a proxy server set up.  This will be the proxy that is set up in 'Settings - Engine'


Article ID: 374
Last updated: 08 Sep, 2020
Revision: 4
GeoSystems Monitor Enterprise -> Product Guide v4.1 - 4.2 -> Working with Monitoring Points -> Status Points Window