Settings - Connections

This is where the logins that are associated with the GeoSystems Monitor are managed. 

At the top of the panel, you will see the Administrator Password and Charts/Reports Password (geo is the default).

Below that is a list of all connections.

Creating a New Connection

Click [New Connection] to create a new connection.

You can choose to create an AGOL, AGS, PORTAL, AGOL_HOSTED, or Federated connection.

Fill in the required fields and click [Create] when finished.

Make note of the required URL format when creating an AGS/PORTAL connection.

When attempting to create OR edit a connection, the GeoSystems Monitor will generate a token and test to make sure it is valid.  If you receive an ERROR GENERATING TOKEN message,  or


and you are 100% sure the username/password is correct, the likely cause is the BROWSER doesn't trust the certificate of the server.

Open the server URL in another browser tab, and make sure you aren't seeing a "Your connection is not private", "Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead" or "This site is not secure" message.

If you see any of these messages, go to the Troubleshooting SSL Certificate Errors section and follow the directions for your specific browser to bypass the error.

Once completed, go back to the GeoSystems Monitor and try to generate the token again.

Article ID: 381
Last updated: 04 Sep, 2020
Revision: 5
GeoSystems Monitor Enterprise -> Product Guide v4.1 - 4.2 -> Settings -> Settings - Connections