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Settings - DB Maintenance

Log File Maintenance

If you wish to limit the size of the log files, select ‘Yes’ in the Enabled drop down box of the Log File Maintenance section, and specify the size in megabytes for the maximum size of the log files. All log files greater than this value will be archived, and then cleared. Any associated debug related .gif files will also be deleted.

History Database Maintenance

If you would like to limit the growth of the history database, select 'Yes' in the Enabled drop down box of the History Database section, and entering the maximum number of days to keep records. Any records older than this specified number of days will be archived, and then cleared.

AGS Stats Database, License Manager, and SDE Usage Database

The corresponding maintenance script can be enabled by selecting "Yes" in the Enabled drop down box of the section, and entering the maximum number of days to keep records. Any records older than this specified number of days will be archived, and then cleared.

For users who use MS SQL Server, the ODBC Connection string must be specified.

The format is ODBCConnectionName:UserID:UserPW