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AGS Geocode Service

The AGS Geocode Service monitoring point checks an ArcGIS Server Geocode service to see if it returns an x,y location for a valid address.

The script assumes the standard Esri AGS service directory structure (i.e. <your server name>/arcgis/rest/services/<your service name>.  If this is not the case, use the AGS Geocode Service URL monitoring point script.

The parameters that are unique to the AGS Geocode Service include:

Server Name

DNS name of server where AGS is located

Service Name

Name of REST Service on the ArcGIS server. If service is under a folder name of folder service is needed (e.g. Parcels or Assessor/Parcels)

Addr-from URL

This parameter needs to be retrieved from the geocode service REST interface for proper format.

For example, the parameter should take form of address=123+main+st&Zone =&outFields=&f=pjson

If your AGS Geocode Service is secure, use the AGS Secure Geocode Service monitoring point script.

Retrieving the Addr-from URL parameter from the REST service is a several step process.

Step 1.1: Open your Internet browser and enter the URL for your ArcGIS® Rest Services

(Example: http://YourServerName/ArcGIS/Rest/Services)

Select a GeoCode service from your list of services

Step 1.2: In the bottom left of the browser screen, locate "Supported Operations"

Click on [Find Address Candidates]

Step 1.3: Enter a valid address in the Address field

Note: Your GeoCoder form view may vary from the image at the right

Step 1.4: Select JSON from the Format drop down box

Step 1.5: Click on [Find]

Step 1.6: Verify that valid data is returned

Note: If the data is not valid, the browser will display an empty page rather than x, y coordinates. If this happens, locate a valid address and re-enter the information as outlined in Step 1.3.

Step 1.7: In the URL Address, locate and copy the information after the (?) to the end of the URL to pjson (including “pjson”):

Example Complete URL:


Portion to copy


Step 1.8: Paste the URL portion into the Addr-from URL field provided

Step 2: Click the [Create Monitor Point] button