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AGS Secure Feature Service URL

The AGS Secure Feature Service URL monitoring point checks an ArcGIS Server Secure Feature service for layer data and provides a count of the number of records returned.

The script can be used whether or not you have a non-standard installation.

The parameters that are unique to the AGS Feature Service URL include:

Server Name

DNS name of server where AGS service is located

Service Name

Name of the Rest Feature or Image Service on an ArcGIS Server. If service is under a folder, name of folder/service is needed.


ArcGIS Server Admin user ID using either Windows or ArcGIS Server security


ArcGIS Server Admin user password


This parameter can be retrieved from the REST interface of the service and entering the parameters to test. Copy the parameters from the ‘URL’ In the address bar of the Browser.

Allow ZeroCount

(Optional) Enter ‘YES’ for that services that can return zero records under normal operations, so that the point won’t be considered down.

For non-secured AGS Feature Service URLs, refer to the AGS Feature Service URL monitoring point script.

Retrieving the URL-Complete parameter from the REST service is a several step process.

Step 1.1: Open your Internet browser and enter the URL for your ArcGIS® Rest Services Interface


Step 1.2: In the bottom left of the browser screen, locate “Supported Operations “

Click on [Query]

Step 1.3: In the browser window, enter the query parameters you would like to monitor.  Change the format to JSON, and click Query.

Step 1.4: Copy the complete URL from the browser address field

Step 2: Paste the complete URL in the URL-Complete field Provided

Step 3: Click [Create Monitor Point]