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AGS Secure Generic Service Check

The AGS Secure Generic Service Check monitoring point makes a connection to the ESRI HTTPS REST Interface, making a generic request.  It does not exercise the service, it only checks to make sure it is present and available.  This is a very basic test that can work on any ArcGIS Service.

The parameters that are unique to the AGS Secure Generic Service Check include:

Server Name

DNS name of server where AGS Secure Generic Service is located

Service Name

Name of REST Service on the ArcGIS server. If service is under a folder, name of folder service is needed (e.g. Parcels or Assessor/Parcels)


ArcGIS Server Admin user ID using either Windows or ArcGIS Server security

Note: UserID should be entered as encrypted information


ArcGIS Server Admin user password

Note: UserID should be entered as encrypted information

Service REST URL

The end of the URL passed into the check needs to End with the type of AGS service, ex.  /MapServer  or /FeatureServer  or  /GeocodeServer  or /ImageServer or /MobileServer, etc.



For non-secured Generic Service Checks, refer to the AGS Generic Service Check script.