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The MSSQL SDE Usage monitoring point is designed to work together with the MSSQL SDE List Tables check to generate the information required for SDE Usage reporting for data in a SQL Server RDBMS. It is recommended that these two checks be placed together in a GeoMonitor Server because of the fact that both are needed to generate the data required to support SDE Usage reporting.

It is recommended the MSSQL SDE Usage check be run hourly(up interval 60). When it runs, it generates information on what SDE geodatabase feature datasets, feature classes and tables are open at that time. This information is written to the SDE Usage database.

Note: If you are using Microsoft SQL Server / SQL Server Express, follow the instructions in Setting Up Microsoft SQL Server for SDE Usage Database.

If you are not sure where your Usage information is being stored, you can consult the “About” dialog on the GeoSystems Monitor Charts UI.

The parameters that are unique to the MSSQL SDE Usage include:

Server Name

DNS name of server where the SQL database is located


Database name to check (must match List Tables check)


User ID with access to the MSSQL Table. If using Windows AD authentication, enter  Domain\UserID

Note: userID should be entered as encrypted information


User PW for access to the MSSQL Table

Note: userPW should be entered as encrypted information


Needed only if using RDBMS to store usage information – string must include YourODBC_ConnectionName:UserID:UserPW

Note: Rpt-DSN:User:Pwd should be entered as encrypted information

Opt-User Schema

Defaults to SDE, or enter DBO.”

Next, configure the GeoMonCharts UI web.config file with the database information added for this monitoring porting, following the instructions in Editing the Geomonitor UI Web Config for Microsoft Usage Database.