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SDE Replication Postgres

The SDE Replication Postgres monitoring point checks to verify if a scheduled SDE replication has happened, and whether or not it was successful.

There is not currently a scheduler in the GeoSystems Monitor, so scheduling information needs to be added as parameters to the point check. Presently, the point can check every day of the week at a certain time, or the user can enter single/multiple days of the week and a time (for example, all:22 would run a check every day at 10 P.M. 1,2,4:21 would run a check on Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday at 9 P.M.)

Note that the time entered for the point check should be set after the scheduled replication is to occur by approximately one hour (for example, if replication is set to run at 2100 (9 P.M.), set the point to start checking at 22 (10 P.M.).

The parameters that are unique to the SDE Replication Postgres include:

Server Name

Server name where SDE database is located


SDE database name

Replication Name

Name of SDE replication

Schema SDE/User

Enter the Schema SDE/User


user ID and user PW with access to the SDE database (Note colon separating User ID:PW) (Database Authentication). If using Windows AD authentication, enter  Domain\UserID:PW

Note: userID and userPW should be entered as encrypted information


Presently, the point can check every day of the week at a certain time, or the user can enter single/multiple days of the week and a time (for example, all:22 would run a check every day at 10 P.M. 1,2,4:21 would run a check on Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday at 9 P.M.)