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WFS Check

The WFS check monitors an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) compliant Web Feature Service (version 1.1 and above). This check explores and evaluates the contents of the WFS service and tries to retrieve features, and verifies that the features can be zoomed to. If the name of a Layer is known, it can be provided.

Due to numerous existing library versions, this check can occasionally have trouble checking a working WFS Service. In this case, using the value ‘YES’ for the optional ‘Check Capabilities File Only’ parameter will at least determine if the capabilities file can be accessed. This parameter should be left blank otherwise.

The parameters that are unique to the WFS Check include:

Server Name

Domain name of Server (or IP address)

Service URL

URL to a WFS Service

Name of Layer

(Optional) WFS layer name


(Optional) Check the Capabilities File only - Yes