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Overview of Custom Checks

Users can create their own Checks for the GeoSystems Monitor.  Knowledge of what you are checking and knowledge of programming concepts are necessary to be successful.

GeoMonitor Checks can be either python scripts or executable files.  There is a structure that needs to be followed to receive parameters from the GeoSystems Monitor engine, and parameters that must be passed back to the engine to have a successful completion of a point check. 

Python scripts can be programmed with any of your favorite python interfaces. If you have any additional python libraries needed for your script, they will need to be loaded on the server where python is installed.

The JavaScript User Interface's Settings-Custom Monitor dialog provides the framework for defining a User Point check's parameters.  There are a maximum of 6 parameters that can be user defined and passed into the point custom check.   Once a Custom Monitor has been created using the Settings-Custom Monitor dialog, it can be added to a monitoring container by Adding a new Monitoring Point.