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Moving to the 4.0 License Manager Module

New License Manager Module and Reporting

New in GeoSystems Monitor is a module that can monitor and report on your FlexNet Publishing License Manager®

ex. esri, ACAD, FME or most any other application that utilizes the FlexNet Publishing License Manager (FlexLM®)license software.

Previous versions of Geosystems monitor could monitor and chart these license managers, but each license type or chart required a separate point/check

The NEW License module needs only  ONE point/check per license manager and does the following. 

  1. Will verify that the license manager is running and available.
  2. Notify, if configured that a particular license is running low or out.
  3. Create a web page for real-time usage of licenses
  4. Create data in a database for long term reporting and charting

Note:   For this check to function correctly, the LMutil.exe file must be copied from the current License Manager to the ‘Scripts’ folder on the GeoSystems Monitor server.    Note: Most any version of LMutil.exe will work.

Example – From: ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\License10.5\bin’ (on the License Manager server)

To: ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoSystemsMonitor\scripts’ (on the GeoSystems Monitor server)

Adding a License Manager Container

1. Click Add Container on the left bar of the UI.

2.  Click Other, click License then click next.

3. Fill out the fields in the Add a New Monitoring Container

  • Container Name
  • Server name of license server
  • Port # that the license manager runs on. Normally 27000 to 27004
  • Vendor - ex:ESRI, ACAD, FMEor OTHER:SomeVendor
  • Rpt-DSN:User:Pwd OPTIONAL (see separate instructions) Needed only if using RDBMS to store usage information – string must  include YourODBC_ConnectionName:UserID:UserPW

4.   Click Create Container.  A new Container is added on the current Tab in the GeoMon UI.

5.   Once the point has run successfully, the point will turn green, and data is now being stored.

6.  Once the point/check is setup, click on the point, turn Alerting on and select the Alert Contact IDs you would like to be notified if needed.

7.   Next goto the License Manager screen to continue configuration.

Adding a License Manager Point to an Existing Container

1.  Add a new point and select – License Manager Module(New)

2.  Fill out the fields in the Add a New Monitoring Point

  • Monitor Name
  • Monitor Description
  • Server name of license server
  • Port # that the license manager runs on. Normally 27000 to 27004
  • Vendor - ex:ESRI, ACAD, FMEor OTHER:SomeVendor
  • Rpt-DSN:User:Pwd OPTIONAL (see separate instructions) Needed only if using RDBMS to store usage information – string must  include YourODBC_ConnectionName:UserID:UserPW

3.  Click Create Monitor Point

4.  Once the point has run successfully, the point will turn green, and data is now being stored

5.  Once the point/check is setup, click on the point, turn Alerting on and select the Alert Contact IDs you would like to be notified if needed.

6.   Next goto the License Manager screen to continue configuration.


Sometimes the port is unknown on which a license manager is running or the communications with the license manager is not working correctly. To aid in trouble shooting there are two parameter that can be entered in the - Enter Vendor  field.

FindPort  -  Will help find the port used by the license manager.  Uses the 'Port' parameter as the starting point, normally 27000, and incrementally checks upward several ports.

Debug - Creates a log entry for the COMPLETE output of the lmutil query.  Good for troubleshooting issues with licenses and types.