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IIS Information

Windows IIS webserver: 7.5, 8.0, 8.5 and 10.0

GeoSystems Monitor IIS configuration should be utilized with the installer. Different components can be installed separately. Below are settings for a default installation.

Three components get installed with IIS to enable JavaScript applications.
    1. iisnode
    2. Node.js
    3. URL Rewrite
Each component has additional configuration that is automated during the installation process. A log file ‘InstallLog.txt’ detailing the installation is created in the folder where the installation process was started.
After installation you will have two components from above in Programs and Features.

Below is the default Installation Location for the JavaScript User Interface (UI) with version number.
C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoSystemsMonitor\GeoMonUI_4.1.1

IIS_IUSRS group is granted access to the JavaScript UI folder during the automated installation.

In IIS Manager, under the ‘Selected’ website, a GeoMonUI application is created, mapped to the UI folder and utilizes the below functions.
     Handler Mappings
     URL Rewrite


See IIS Information Continued