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Editing Container Settings

Clicking on the container icon of the container will bring up a panel with details/settings for that container, as shown below.

From left to right at the top are three icons with the following functions:

Open the container's status points dialog

Reset all points inside this container

Delete container


* Resetting the container: Resetting the container will reset every monitor point to run the next engine cycle.  Open the Status Points dialog to see the reset points.

Container Name

This is the name of the container.

Container Description

This is the description of the container.


Drop down box to set which tab the container will reside on.


This is how many points for the container will be ran at each engine cycle. This is used so to many requests will not be sent at once to a server.   Points usually stagger out over normal operations. Adjust as necessary.


List of any exclusions that have been created on the 'Settings - Exclusions' panel.  Note that global exclusions are shown for informational purposes only, and can't be turned off here, since they affect all containers and must be managed in the 'Settings - Exclusions' panel.

In the top right you can change the container's icon.  This has no effect other than style.

Click [Save Changes] when you are satisfied with the settings.