Email to friend
Multiple emails allowed. Separate with commas

Confirmation code image

Type the characters in the image above exactly as you see them

Settings - Alerts

This tab is where alerts and the contact information for the individuals to be alerted is managed.

Settings Details

Alerts Enabled

When the application is first installed, this is set to ‘No’ (this prevents any alerts from being sent out until the system administrator is satisfied with the monitoring set up).

Email Server

Enter the name of your email server in this field.

Note: Your IT Administrator may need to enable email relaying for this server to send emails and text messages.

Optionally click the [Encrypt] button to encrypt the information

If not using an internal email server, and instead using an outside email such as GMail or Hotmail use the following format for email server:

  • Email server name is sent with multiple parameters separated by ":"
  • Format is ServerName:Port#:UserID:UserPW   -  Port can be either 587 or 465
    • Hotmail example  -
    • GMail example   -

​​Note: This can also be used for O365 (if using an INTERNAL email proxy server --  ie. SMTP server on IIS).

Email Sender

This field specifies the name that will show as the sender of the alert.

When satisfied, click the  [Save Changes] button.

Creating a New Contact

Click [New Contact] to create a new contact to be alerted.

You can choose to send either Email or SMS type alerts.

Fill in the required fields and click [Create] when finished.

The contacts created here will then appear when a container is opened for editing, where they can be chosen as the recipients for any alerts that occur from monitored points in the container. They also become available in the 'Settings - Status Report' panel, where they can be chosen as recipients for the status report.

Test a Contact

Using the envelope icon you can send a test message to the contact.

Edit an Existing Contact

Using the pencil icon you can edit an existing contact.

Deleting a Contact

Using the trash can icon you can delete a contact.