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Settings - Engine

This section has settings that relate to the operation of the GeoSystems Monitor Engine, The values are populated at the time of installation and normally don’t need to be changed.  In rare cases, the system administrator may wish to alter some of the settings, as explained below.

Settings Details

Engine Host

The Engine Host is configured by the application during the installation process.  If you need to change it, enter the IP address in the field provided. The IP address is the location of the GeoSystems Monitor Application.

Engine Comm Port

The Engine Comm Port receives communication from the GeoSystems Monitor UI and the Python Scripts.By default the port value is set to #8889. Only change the default Engine Comm Port if it is being used for other purposes. To change the default port, click on the Engine Comm Port field and type the preferred Port #. 

After saving, it will be necessary to stop and re-start the GeoMonEngine and GeoMonUI services for the changed port to take effect.   To do this, use the standard Windows tools, generally at Administrative Tools | Services.  Stop both services and then start the GeoMonEngine service first, followed by the GeoMonUI service.  Finally, refresh the GeoSystems Monitor application in the browser to reflect the changes.

UI Comm Port

The User Interface (UI) Comm Port is a dedicated communication port to the GeoSystems Monitor Engine. By default the port value is set to #8888. Only change the default UI Comm Port if you are using this port for other purposes. To change the default port, click on the UI Comm Port field and type the preferred Port #. 

After saving, it will be necessary to stop and re-start the GeoMonEngine and GeoMonUI services for the changed port to take effect.   To do this, use the standard Windows tools, generally at Administrative Tools | Services.  Stop both services and then start the GeoMonEngine service first, followed by the GeoMonUI service.  Finally, refresh the GeoSystems Monitor application in the browser to reflect the changes.

Engine Governor

The Engine Governor is the number of simultaneous points that will be checked at one time.  The default and recommended value is 100.

History Enabled

Select Yes from the selection box to begin writing information to the history database. Selecting No discontinues writing information to the database.  Upon initial installation History Enabled is set to No by default. It is recommended that this setting be changed to Yes once you are satisfied with the monitoring configuration, but ideally not before.  That way the stored data will only reflect the working configuration, and not any previous testing data.A further optional capability is provided in the Log Maintenance and History Database Maintenance sections. Both the log files and the history database will continue to grow over time, which for larger installations may become cumbersome and begin to affect the performance of charting.

Using DHCP

The GeoSystems Monitor can use either static or dynamically assigned IP addresses.  By default the Engine acquires the IP address when it starts and writes it into the database used by the UI to establish communications with the Engine.

Python Path

The Python Path field is populated during the installation process. If you have installed Python in a location other than the one in the provided field, enter the path for the installation. Click in the Python Path field and enter the path of the Python.exe installation. Be sure to include the entire path, including the “python.exe” portion.  NO SPACES are allowed.

Script Path

Location of the GeoSystemsMonitor Python scripts that run the monitor points.  If you have installed it in a location other than the one in the provided field, enter the path for the installation.  Click in the Script Path field and enter the path to the GeoSystemsMonitor Python Script Folder.

It is important that this path contain NO SPACES, allowing the Python check arguments to be passed correctly.

Proxy Server (Optional)

If a Proxy Server is being used, the entry string for the Proxy must be entered in the Proxy field provided using the format string below:

UserID:UserPassword@ProxyServer:ProxyPort     Example: fred:fredspassword@theproxyserver:8080

Optionally click the [Encrypt] button to encrypt the information.

Warning: Clicking the [Encrypt] button multiple times will encrypt the information more than once and information cannot be passed on to authenticate to the proxy server.  If you click the [Encrypt] button twice, clear the Proxy field, re-enter the information and click on the [Encrypt] button once.

Although this is where the proxy server entry string is stored, it will not be applied unless the Proxy selection box in the Monitoring point settings has been set to 'Yes', and then only for those monitoring points that have been set.