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Administration of GeoSystems Monitor Engine

Occasionally you or your system administrator may need to stop and then start the GeoMonEngine Windows service.  If you are unable to start the service try the following:

  • Check application event viewer log and look for GeoMonEngine Entries

  • If SQLite errors are in the application event viewer:

  • Make sure the MonitoringDB.db3 file is not 0k in size or less than 10k.This would indicate an empty Database issue.If this is the case, re-install the engine or restore DB from a Backup.

  • Check the folder permissions where the monitoringDB.db3 is located. Make sure the ‘system’ and ‘IIS_IUSRS’ groups have write permissions applied on the installation folder and MonitoringDB.db3 file.(The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoSystemsMonitor\GeoMonEngine)

  • If the MonitoringDB.db3 is not in the default location of C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoSystemsMonitor\GeoMonEngine, the configuration file GeoMonEngine.exe.config needs to have parameter “DBPath” changed to reflect the correct database location.

  • The configuration file for the GeoMonUI, config.json by default located in folder, C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoSystemsMonitor\GeoMonUI_4.x.x (ver number), also needs to have its “install_location” parameter changed if it is not in the default location - located at the bottom of the file.


  • If .NET errors appear in application event viewer, you may need to repair the installation of .NET 3.5 or .NET 4.0.