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AGS Secure Geoproc. Service URL

The AGS Secure Geoprocessing Service URL monitoring point checks a Secure ArcGIS Server Geoprocessing Service to see if it returns valid results. The monitoring point sends requests to a secured ESRI Geoprocessing service REST interface, and can check either synchronous or asynchronous execution types. Synchronous jobs return results quickly and can be checked in detail. Asynchronous jobs can run for an arbitrarily long time before responding, thus we only check that the service has reported that the job was correctly submitted.

The parameters that are unique to the AGS Secure Geoprocessing Service include:

Server Name

DNS name of server where AGS Geocode service is located

Service Name

Name of the geoproccessing service on an ArcGIS Server. If service is under a folder, name of folder/service is needed.


ArcGIS Server Admin user ID using either Windows or ArcGIS Server Security


ArcGIS Server Admin user password


Complete REST URL



Empty Results OK:

(Optional) Enter YES for services that can return empty results during normal operation. This will prevent the check from considering the point to be down when empty results are returned.


For non-secured AGS geoprocessing services, refer to the AGS Geoprocessing Service monitoring point.

Retrieving the URL-Complete parameter from the REST service is a several step process

Step 1.1: Open your Internet browser and enter the URL for your ArcGIS® Rest Services.

Note: To demonstrate the process of determining the correct URL for the check in Steps 1.1 through 1.7, we use a publicly available non-secure geoprocessing service. The procedure with a secured service is identical, but with additional UserID and UserPW parameters. Steps 1.8 and onward show a hypothetical secure URL.


Select a Geoprocessing service from the list of services:

Step 1.2: In the bottom left of the browser screen, locate "Supported Operations"

Click on [Execute Task]

Step 1.3: Enter appropriate values for your particular geoprocessing task. In this case, spatial references are required.

Note: Your form view may vary from the image at the right

Step 1.4: Select JSON from the Format drop down box

Step 1.5: Click on [Execute Task (GET)]

Step 1.6: Verify that valid data is returned.

Note: If the data is not valid, the browser may return an error message such as "message": "Invalid or missing input parameters." If this happens, determine valid parameters and re-enter the information as outlined in Step 1.3.

Step 1.7: In the URL Address bar, locate and copy the entire URL (including “pjson”):


Step 1.8: Paste the URL into the URL-Complete field

Step 1.9: After entering the AGS userID and userPW for the secure access, click the [Encrypt] button

Note: If using Windows security, you must include the domain (e.g. yourdomain\userid).

Step 1.10: Optionally, enter YES in the Empty Results OK field

Step 2: Click the [Create Monitor Point] button