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Windows WMI Server Stats

The Windows WMI Server Stats monitoring point reviews selected server statistics and reports back to the user. A threshold can be entered, and if that threshold is exceeded a warning can be issued.

Four different sub checks may be performed within this check. These sub checks may be performed either all in one check, or a point/check may be set up individually. The four sub checks are as follows:

ALL - performs CPU, MEM, and DISK checks
CPU - Checks total CPU percent usage
MEM - Checks percent of physical memory used
DISK - Checks percent of disk space used (up to 8 local/physical disks)

Note: This point will only check Windows Servers via WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation). In addition, this point will only check Windows servers on the same LAN as the GeoSystems Monitor server, as WMI uses DCOM ports to communicate.

The parameters that are unique to the Windows WMI Server Stats include:

Server Name

Remote server name to check


  • “ALL”  will check CPU, MEM, and DISK. Only CPU percent usage will be returned/graphed.
  • “CPU” will check total CPU percent usage. Total CPU percent usage will be returned/graphed.
  • “MEM” will check percent of physical memory used. Percent of physical memory used will be returned/graphed.
  • “MEM:COMMIT” will check ‘Commit Charge’ memory, both physical and virtual.
  • "MEM:OVERCOMMIT" will calculate a percentage of commit memory and physical memory to check for possible memory thrashing - over 20 concern, over 30 possible issue (depending on type of server).
  • "MEM:PAGES" will check the rate at which the system is paging memory to and/or from disk. Takes 3 samples at 5 sec intervals and averages. Pages/sec- This counter is a primary indicator of the kinds of faults that cause system-wide delays (Under 5 ok, 10-20 concern, 20-100 issue).
  • “DISK” will check percent of disk space used. Up to eight local disks will be checked; Disk 1 percent space used will be returned/graphed.
  • “DISK:D” will check Disk Drive D. Percent space used for Disk Drive D will be returned/graphed.
  • "SERVICE:<serviceName>:cpu" or mem  - mem, checks in MBs(threshold),   cpu, checks in %(threshold)
  • "PROCESS:<processName>:cpu" or mem - mem, checks in MBs(threshold),   cpu, checks in %(threshold)
  • "SERVICE:debug:cpu" or  "PROCESS:debug:cpu" -  lists all services or processes in the debug log.


A number representing a threshold percentage when the point/check is considered an issue. This threshold will apply to any/all metrics (for example, 85 would indicate that the threshold is 85% CPU usage or 85% of Memory usage, etc.).


Either a domain user ID or a local account that will have access on the Remote server to be monitored

  • Domain account entered       domain\userID
  • Local account entered           \userID (Note the use of the leading slash)

Note:  userID should be entered as encrypted information


Password associated with userID account

Note:  userPW should be entered as encrypted information

Note: When configuring the GeoSystems Monitor engine service, if a logon account is used to run the service that has access to the Remote servers, ex. domain account, then entering a userID and userPW shouldn't be necessary.