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GSM Uptime Report

The initial view of the charts and reports module includes seven tabbed focus areas. The second of these is the GSM Uptime Report area.

This is a report and is selectable on a container basis.  The reporting is done off the historical Database (enabled under settings/engine/history enabled)

Uptime reporting has been made flexible, as different institutions have different uptime requirements.

Containers - from the drop down menu, select the Container you want to report on.

Report Range - Select the date range, business hours, and if needed exclude weekends in the report.

(Custom date ranges are selected by selecting the starting month, clicking on the first day, scrolling through the months and select the end day.)

    *** Be aware that long date ranges can take awhile for the report to finish

Click Apply for the settings to take effect and the window closes.

The Orientation option allows the standard Portrait or Landscape. For most cases, the default portrait orientation will suffice. Use landscape orientation in cases where vendor, manager, or computer names are very long.

The Font Size option is also present to assist with cases of very long names. If you find your service names being truncated by an ellipsis '...', then try lowering the font size.

Threshold(s) -  These are changeable and are for easy identification within the report for possible issues or needed attention.

Detailed Disclaimer - option to append detailed information about reporting columns

Note: If you are on version 4.2.0 you will now see the option to export to a CSV file as shown in the screenshot below.

Create - to generate the report

Columns -

Monitor - name of check within the container. Left hand number is the point number within the container. Numbers after description -  2 / 60, means this point is dependent on point #2 (host check) and runs every 60 minutes.

Total counts - How many times this point ran during the Report Range selected.

Down - How many times this point was down during the Report Range selected.

Host Down - Added additional down counts if needed when the dependent ID reported down.  If the dependent ID was down 3 times and ran every 5 min, and this point runs every 15 min, an additional 1 host down count will be added to this point because this point didn't attempt to run and probably would have been down.

Slow / Warning - How many times this point was slow or warning during the Report Range selected.

Up - How many times this point was Up during the Report Range selected.

Down % - Percentage of time this point was down during the Report Range selected.

Slow / Warning % - Percentage of time this point was Slow or Warning during the Report Range selected.

Up - Percentage of time this point was up during the Report Range selected.

The image below is an example output in Google Chrome (without the Detailed Report Information)

The image below is an example output in Google Chrome (with the Detailed Report Information)