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Resolving SSL Certificate Errors - Mozilla Firefox

If you encounter an SSL certificate error in the application when you are trying to process a service or add a connection you will be presented with the error message shown below.

This error means that the service was unable to get a response from the server and could be due to an SSL certificate issue. To verify if the issue is SSL, you can open up a new tab in your browser and enter the service URL in the address bar and attempt to visit the page. If the webpage is unable to load and presents you with a screen like below, please follow the instructions to bypass the SSL certificate issue.

In Mozilla Firefox, if you are prompted with a screen stating “Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead” when browsing to the services endpoint, please follow the instructions below to manually bypass the warning from the server.

Select 'Advanced…' and a dropdown should show up below the button with the option to 'Accept the Risk and Continue'. This should bring up a new dialog box that allows you to manually accept the certificate.