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Updating Connection Information for Points in a Portal Container

When processing points for a Portal Container, some points may require authentication that differs from the authentication credentials provided to initially process the container. Once the container is created and added to the dashboard, navigate to the container and verify if any points failed due to authentication reasons. If a point failed due to authentication reasons the statuses should be set to “ErrorImgCheckAuth”, “AuthError”, “NotAuth”.

To correct this issue the authentication required for the service will need to be added to the point. To do this you will need to browse to Settings -> Connections and click the button 'New Connection'. A form will appear with inputs for adding your username, password, type of authentication and server URL for accessing the service. When authentication is successfully added you should be able to now update points in your container with this new connection.

To update the server’s connection you can select the 'Choose' button which will open a drop down list containing the connections available to use. Select the corresponding credentials for the failed point and click 'Update Credentials' to update a points connection information. 

Once the point is updated, the userID and userPW field will be updated with the selected credentials. You can now proceed to run the point with the updated connection information. The point should now come back with a status non related to authorization errors.